
Neuro Ophthalmology

Envisioning Excellence in Neuro-Ophthalmology

Discover the intersection of neurology and ophthalmology at IBS Hospital’s NeuroOphthalmology department. Our specialized team combines expertise in both fields to provide comprehensive care for complex visual and neurological conditions. From precise diagnostics to tailored treatments, we are committed to optimizing your visual health and enhancing your overall well-being.

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What is Neuro Opthalmology?

Neuro-Ophthalmology is a specialty that serves as a vital bridge between neurology and ophthalmology, addressing various nervous system diseases that affect normal vision. These conditions, referred to as neuro-visual diseases, can vary in complexity and symptoms, and they can affect individuals of all age groups. If left untreated, they may lead to complete visual impairment.

What are the different conditions treated under Neuro Ophthalmology?

Conditions treated in Neuro Opthalmology 

  • Optic Neuritis: Gradual vision loss due to optic nerve inflammation, often linked to multiple sclerosis. Risk factors include severe infection and autoimmune disorders.
  • Papilloedema: Swelling in the optic nerve caused by increased pressure in the skull due to tumours, infections, encephalitis, or other conditions.
  • Toxic Optic Neuropathy: Optic nerve damage resulting from exposure to toxic substances found in food and drinks.
  • Strabismus: Abnormal eye alignment due to paralysis of eye muscles, restricting ocular movement.
  • Diabetic Neuropathy: Severe optic nerve damage caused by uncontrolled diabetes, leading to progressive vision loss.
Recognising the Symptoms of Neuro-Visual Disorders
  • Abrupt loss of vision (partial or complete)
  • Transient vision loss (eye stroke)
  • Visual hallucinations
  • Persistent headaches
  • Double vision
  • Sudden onset of color blindness
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Visual field defects
Diagnosis of the different conditions treated under Neuro Ophthalmology

At IBS Hospitals, we offer state-of-the-art diagnostic modalities for precise diagnosis and assessment of various neuro-visual diseases, including:

  • Orthoptic evaluation
  • Ocular motility evaluation
  • Diplopia charting
  • Neurological visual fields screening
  • Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head
  • Evaluation of contrast sensitivity and color vision
  • Imaging studies, including CT scans, MRI, and MR venograms
  • Lumbar puncture
  • Fundus photography
  • Humphrey visual testing
Management / Treatment of Neuro Opthalmology conditions at IBS Hospital

IBS Hospital’s Department of Neurology houses a dedicated Neuro-Ophthalmology Unit, specializing in identifying and treating a wide range of neuro-visual conditions. Our highly skilled team of neuro-ophthalmologists possesses unmatched expertise in the field. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and sophisticated techniques, we ensure precise and safe management of every ailment, prioritizing the well-being of our patients.

Our team of experts that make it possible

Meet the team of highly specialised and experienced neurosurgeons, neurologists, orthopedicians, and other experts in the field of neurology and spine care. Our team is dedicated to providing personalised and compassionate care to each patient, with the goal of helping them achieve the best possible outcomes.


IBS Hospital Empowers Your Treatment with Cutting-edge Technology

We continuously incorporate cutting-edge technologies from around the world into our offerings, such as a surgical system that allows for precise and confident complex procedures. We use magnetic stimulation to treat certain neurological conditions and create personalised brain maps for tailored treatment plans. Nerve monitoring during surgeries ensures the nervous system is not compromised, and a robotic exoskeleton aids in mobility issues. Our goal at IBS Hospital is to provide the best care possible, utilising the latest and most innovative technologies available.

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